
Industry & B2B

Business customers are people too – and yet they have very specific needs

Even though we have already embarked on the transition to a “service society”: Germany remains one of the most important industrial locations in the world. Around 20% of our economic output is generated within this sector, which is invisible to many. Many consumers have minimal or no direct interaction with these products. For a long time, market research was not an issue in these B2B sectors. After all, they often operate in special niches where they “know” their customers and market competitors. However, this awareness is increasingly changing in times of growing competitive and cost pressure. 

We know from many years of research in the B2B sector: Business customers are people too and many of the principles of consumer research also apply here. At the same time, special approaches are often required to identify the right decision-makers and talk to them on an eye-to-eye level. This applies to classic customer satisfaction surveys as well as in-depth customer journey analyses or sensitive product tests. To do this, we venture onto construction sites, trade fairs or into our clients’ showrooms. 

Our insights team loves challenges and there is hardly an industry that is too exotic for them.

Selection of our customers

Thinking outside the box!

There’s also a lot to learn from different industries. Take a look at the following cases from other sectors of the economy.

Your contact:

Lukas Nosber

Lukas Nosber
Senior Sales & Account Manager