Telekommunikation Branche SKOPOS

Telecommunications & IT

Low Involvement? High Relevance!

Products and services from telecommunications companies are all around us, all the time. For example, right now, you are reading these lines on our website. However, we often only realize this when something doesn’t work. One thing is certain: if you want to be successful on the market as a provider, you have to do far more than just function. Competition is fierce and it is now easier than ever for consumers to switch providers. At the same time, many customers find it difficult to keep track of the maze of tariffs, bandwidths, terms and connection types. 

Whether infrastructure or service provider, whether end customer business or B2B market: our research shows you how to design, position and communicate your brand and products in the best way possible. In doing so, we rely on proven methods that we are constantly developing further: From rate tests and segmentation to customer journey analyses. So that you inspire your existing customers and make it easier for potential customers to switch. 

Internet contracts don’t spark any emotions? Then you should get to know your target group better! 

Selection of our customers

Thinking outside the box!

There’s also a lot to learn from different industries. Take a look at the following cases from other sectors of the economy.

Your contact:


Lukas Nosber
Senior Sales & Account Manager